Tamara Pixie Wilton (pixieprecious) wrote in egl,
Tamara Pixie Wilton

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Transformation post with two outfits

Alright, so I have worn lolita for Good Friday and we had a meet up today, I used the same makeup for both so I put them together with both the outfit shots at the end for obvious reasons. I also added the pictures with my coat on and with my cape matching the coat on.

First this is me before I have showered

Then I do my hair, before I do my makeup, I also put my dresses on before makeup. I did my beehive and then tried a few different things (plait on the side or pigtails), I decided on pigtails.

I then did my makeup. Below is a picture of what makeup I used and then what the makeup looked like finished

Final product =]

Outfit rundown
JSK - Bodyline, matching headband/headbow (I removed the bow)
Socks - Bodyline
Shoes - Bodyline

Coat and cape (its a set) - Bodyline (its very comfortable and warm)

outfit rundown (i think this is a fail, as the petti sucks =[ I will have to get a better cupcake petti)
Blouse - Bodyline
Socks - Bodyline
Shoes - Bodyline

Thanks for looking =]

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